Hello! My name is Shadab Khan, and I am a researcher working at the intersection of ML, CV and Medical Imaging at Inception Institute of AI in Abu Dhabi.

Previously, I completed my postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard Med/BCH working with Prof. Ali Gholipour, where I developed methods for fetal brain diffusion tensor imaging and atlas construction, and group analysis of fetal brains from a congenital heart disease (CHD) cohort. I obtained my Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences from Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College in June 2016. During my Ph.D., I was advised by Prof. Ryan Halter at The Center for Clinical Applications of Bioimpedance. At Dartmouth, I was fortunate to be a recipient of the Neukom Graduate Fellowship, and Outstanding Graduate Research in Computational Sciences award. For my Ph.D. work, I used an electrical impedance tomography system that I developed to spectroscopically analyze the impedance contrast between benign and cancerous prostatic tissues. Additionally, I developed computer vision tools to assist an image-guided cancer resection procedure during robot-assisted radical prostatectomy.

During 2006-2010, I was an undergraduate student at Manipal Academy of Higher Education in India, where I obtained a B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering. I did my Bachelors’ thesis research work at Institute for Sytems and Robotics, in Lisbon, Portugal, with Prof. Joao Sanches and Prof. Rodrigo Ventura in the area of computational pathology.

I can be reached at: skhan [dot] shadab [at] gmail for any questions or comments.